Prayer helps us to know that we are doing something for someone else and helps us to feel closer to them. God has put each of us right where we are right now for His purpose. That's just awesome, isn't it? And as you pray you are speaking Jesus' hope and healing into someone else's life. That is powerful.
The call of Jesus to all of us right now is to pray for others. In some countries the coronavirus death rate is still high and we need to pray for them the most. In the midst of of suffering from either coronavirus illness or another sickness there may be the experience of aloneness.
Jesus says that God will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5) Jesus is with you. You are not alone, ever. Tell others so they will know too.
Text your prayer needs to me. 505-321-2715 I'll pray with you; we're stronger in prayer together. Rev. Walker
Coronavirus and Sickness Prayer:
The Bible tells us to, 'come boldly to the Throne of our Gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find Grace to help us when we need it most.' Hebrews 4:16 So together we say aloud:
"We stand against you virus in the Name Of Jesus Christ. Virus, you are our enemy and we fight you with the Word Of God. Jesus is our Savior and Lord, He is our Protector and we stand against you virus because we stand together in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is our mighty force and we serve and love Jesus Christ. Leave virus and you may not ever come against us. Our Lord Jesus Christ is blessing us with anointing for health and we fear not." In Christ's Blessed Name, Amen.
Friends, when you say this aloud, when you speak words of Life, and speak to order the virus to flee then Jesus has the Victory. We are living in His time of Holy Spirit Victory and enter into His Joy with praise and thanks to Jesus.
Fill yourself with faith's words that Jesus has given to us found in the Gospels of Luke, John, Matthew, and Mark. We listen to our Lord, spend glorious time with Him and praise Him. Love on Jesus and ask Him, believing that He helps without hesitation.
We stand together in prayer that this evil virus will not claim another life of another loved one. In Christ's Name, Amen. and Thank You Jesus. -- Rev. Walker,